It is absolutely true that art, culture and education are topics that do not excite or interest all people equally. Some are hard to reach – despite educational missions, outreach and outbounding. But if we look at those we can interest and perhaps even inspire, why do so many never or rarely come to our buildings? We are talking about over a third (!) of society here – what prevents these people from going to the museum?
In fact, questioning the following points will help here:
Easy and understandable way to the museum for everyone.
Very, very clear optical and tactile wayfinding
Detailed advance information about contents and accessibility
Easy, pleasant, non-academic language
Accessible exhibits or optional tactile models/replicas and explanations in large print and Braille,
No steps, stairs, or other barriers for the elderly and people on wheels
Make all information available through at least two channels, namely never exclusively audio guide or exclusively text information
These aspects, and a little more, are important to consider as a museum or exhibition hall. In my work with such institutions, we have come up with wonderful solutions that don’t break budgets but do break down barriers for a third of society.