The TellDing acoustic information and guidance system in Leipzig's Grassi Museum

At several locations and stations within the museum building and the exhibition, visitors are now informed acoustically about what they are facing or where and how they can get further. The TellDing system responds with different content depending on the visitor’s language or information needs. Without a cell phone or app, without an audio guide to take along. You simply wear a lanyard with an electronic entrance ticket (TellDing avatar) around your neck. The TellDing then provides the appropriate information at the elevator or exhibit or guides blind visitors to it.

Das Erklärvideo zeigt den TellDing Avatar

The explanatory video in the museum shows the TellDing avatar. Children receive different or differently prepared content than adult, foreign-language, blind or disabled visitors. Also, the distance from which the audio message is output may differ depending on the user:in. The elevator should announce itself to a blind visitor from a distance, while the exhibit will not output the description until it is in close proximity. More information can be found on the website

Die Installation beinhaltet das Gerät und einen kleinen Lautsprecher

The installation includes the device and a small speaker