Consulting services for the redesign of the exhibitions in the Museum Lichtenberg

Ansicht Museum LichtenbergA reference library on Berlin and regional history and a local history archive are attached to the museum.
In addition, programmes on district history, the preservation of culture and tradition, as well as museum education projects and research activities with and for children and young people or groups of schoolchildren are offered.

The contract for expert consulting and supporting planning and implementation includes:

  1. Expert consulting regarding inclusion and the corresponding pedagogy during conception, curation and design.
  2. Expert evaluation and consultancy on drafts, concepts and plans for accessibility and inclusion. If necessary, recommendations for the improvement of accessibility or the achievement of inclusion.
  3. Assessment of concepts and drafts by representatives of the user groups and feedback workshop to check results. 
Expenses for management, support, organisation, accounting etc.
  4. Final approval of furniture, architecture, exhibits, guidance system, design etc. in terms of accessibility and inclusion. If necessary deficiency report.

We offer a unique tactile printing technology

Simulation einer Ölgemäldestruktur

Our unrivalled printing technology allows us to produce artwork in full colour range in any tactile structure. It is ideally suited for the presentation of works of art and for tactile graphics.

The final exhibit is hard and therefore has minimal abrasion by touch, and has a high to medium resistance to vandalism. The reproduction is very inexpensive.

We ensure low effort and low cost of production for replacement and exchange in case something has been damaged.

Simulation einer Ölgemäldestruktur
Simulation einer Ölgemäldestruktur
Simulation einer Holzstruktur
Simulation einer Holzstruktur



How helpful is Braille lettering?

Coca Cola mit Punktschrift

We often hear that question. Some time ago, the news was spread that hardly anyone still needs or learns Braille today because there are audio books and voice output on computers and smartphones. It is also repeatedly stated that most blind people are not capable of reading and writing Braille at all.

What is true and what is wrong? Here we look at facts.

Only apparently the age structure of blind people is the same as that of sighted people. But that is not true. As almost everyone’s eyesight declines over the course of their lives and some people even become very poor, older people are often classified as severely visually impaired or blind. Some go blind due to an accident, macular degeneration or inflammation of the eyes. There are many causes of visual impairment. Most occur in the course of life and not at birth. Thus the age pyramid is turned upside down in blind people.

What does this have to do with literacy?

While every blind child goes to school and learns to read and write with Braille, this is of course not the case for older people. They do not go to school, but in the best case they do trainings. Everyone can learn Braille, but not everyone wants to.  Some people don’t have the strength or motivation to learn Braille when they get older. That is regrettable but a fact. Older people do not find it so easy to learn and they have not developed the sensitivity in their fingers to keep the points apart. They have to acquire the sensitivity first. This is more difficult with increasing age. Most people who are over 50 years old and then go blind fall off the grid. So they become illiterate in old age. Here, large, palpably raised fonts help to highlight keywords. This is called profile writing or pyramid writing. However, reading them takes an extremely long time and is no alternative to Braille. However, it is the only form of readable font for this group. In the USA an experiment with fatal consequences was carried out when in the 90s it was believed that audio output on the computer was sufficient. Braille was not taught for years. A whole generation of blind Americans were thus deprived of their future. None of these people find a job on the regular job market as illiterates. Today, blind students are taught to read and write again at all schools. The children have a right to it like every seeing child.

Who can do Braille? How many are there?

All children who are born blind or blind in the first 16 years of life learn Braille reading and writing at school. After that, braille learning is optional, but almost everyone who goes blind under the age of 50 learns braille! Together these are about a third, that is roughly 50,000 people in Germany.

Is braille then worthwhile?

Definitely and without reservation, yes! Because a world without written information, without reading and writing leads inevitably to illiteracy and thus to absolute lack of opportunity on the job market and in the further training and complicates the participation in the social life completely substantially. For the group of blind people, not offering braille is often a lack of information and dependence on those who see by chance. Both are unacceptable for human rights and the individual. The question of the absolute number of beneficiaries is often asked in order to ask whether this can be justified financially. With the same argument one would have to question elevators, escalators, cycle paths, roads and the Internet in more remote areas and much more. Some of these would not have no alternative – Braille, on the other hand, does. „But I have never had a blind visitor here before“ is of course the result of the lacking or inadequate offer. Why should a blind person go to a museum where there is nothing for him except an overview map and an audio guide?

How to do the right thing?

The prerequisite for the chance of participation is that information is actually provided in Braille. Everywhere and as much as possible. Compared to visual communication, however, it remains a fraction. This is the sign we have to set. This sign is a non-negotiable must if one speaks of an inclusive society. A society in which we also want to live when we are old or have temporary impairments, permanent disabilities ourselves or with relatives. We all want to continue to be able to make our contribution to working life and family life and not be excluded.

Understood. And where should Braille be used?

Wherever it makes it easier or even impossible to distinguish between products. Where the autonomy of a blind person is made possible by receiving information or being able to operate devices without being forced to ask someone (of course he is still free). Where education and knowledge transfer becomes possible. Where orientation is made easier.

Fachliche Beratung bei der Ausschreibung der Ausstellungserweiterung im Berliner Südgelände

Das Bild zeigt eine handmodellierte Waldohreule mit spezieller Haptik für blinde Betrachter

Die Senatsverwaltung für Umwelt, Verkehr und Klimaschutz im Referat Naturschutz, Landschaftsplanung, Forstwesen beauftragte mich mit der fachlichen Beratung und Unterstützung bei Planung und Durchführung der Barrierefreiheit für das Pilotprojekt Natur-Park Schöneberger Südgelände.

Was bietet eine Begleitung und welche Leistungen bringe ich als Experte ein?

  • Erörterung verschiedener taktiler Produktionstechniken und deren Auswirkung auf die gestalterische Umsetzung.
  • Diskussion bzw. gemeinsame Herausarbeitung des zu erreichenden Ziels (Didaktik, Zielgruppen, Ideale, Kompromisse, Ästhetik, Nachhaltigkeit etc.)
  • Zeitplanung der Arbeitsschritte und der Produktion
  • Konzeptionelle und Inhaltliche Vorbereitung
  • Entwurf eines darauf ausgerichteten Leistungsverzeichnisses
  • Auswahl der Bieter und Prüfung der Sachkenntnisse der Bieter im Bereich Braille und Produktion, Vorschlagsliste
  • Ausarbeitung der Kriterien für die Wertung der Bieter-Angebote
  • Begleitung im Bieterverfahren, z.B. Beantworten von Fachfragen hinsichtlich Barrierefreiheit und geeigneter Techniken.
  • Begleitung im Bieterverfahren, z.B. Auswerten der technischen oder konzeptionellen Inhalte der Angebote, ggf. neuer Zielabgleich aufgrund neuer Sachlage.

Humboldt-Forum beauftragt inklusive Exponate für die Dauerausstellung „Berlin und die Welt“

Gemeinsam mit dem Stadtmuseum entwickelt die Kulturprojekte Berlin GmbH eine Ausstellung über Berlin und die Welt im Humboldt Forum.

Auf einer Fläche von 4.000 qm verknüpft die Berlin-Ausstellung anhand verschiedener Themenaspekte die internationalen Verflechtungen der Stadt und befragt ihre Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. Im ersten Obergeschoss des wiederaufgebauten Stadtschlosses fügt sich die Berlin-Ausstellung räumlich wie inhaltlich als Bindeglied im Humboldt Forum ein. Sie soll zeigen, wie die Welt Berlin beeinflusst, aber auch, wie Berlin auf die Welt wirkt.

Einzelne Ausstellungsflächen werden Künstler*innen, Vereinen und Initiativen für themenspezifische Präsentationen zur Verfügung gestellt.
Zum Anschauen, Anfassen und Zuhören entwickelt, wird die Ausstellung auch integrative und partizipative Elemente einschließen, die Besucher*innen teilhaben lassen.

Für die Entwicklung dieser Stationen, die als inklusive Ereignisse für alle geplant sind, wurde ich beauftragt. Die Vermittlung mit allen Sinnen für ein großes Publikum soll in dieser Ausstellung eine besondere Rolle spielen.

Instant audio guide. Information on the object itself provides orientation and information for everyone

TellDing ist ein "instant Audioguide" und Orientierungssystem in einem.

TellDing® is a system that provides visitors to a building or exhibition with individually adapted information about the object via audio. This audio information can also be used for orientation towards the object. An elevator or a staircase will therefore speak „Stairs to floors 2 to 8“ from any distance that can be preset. A blind visitor can then orientate himself and move precisely. More information at

TellDing is an „instant audio guide“ and orientation system in one.

Hidden or exposed, it uses a proximity sensor to provide information in the language and depth of the visitor’s individual needs.

TellDing as an orientation system provides blind visitors with acoustic guidance to the object.

Ästhetik und Barrierefreiheit sind vereinbar

Voll-3D-Modell eines Krokodils mit Audiofeedback

Inhalte begreifen und verstehen statt konsumieren und vergessen. Das ist für alle Museumsbesucher ein großer Gewinn – und für manche davon sogar alternativlos und notwendig. Alle Menschen brauchen Inklusion früher oder später. Blinde Menschen brauchen sie jetzt!

Ein Museum ästhetisch barrierefrei machen: Preiswert, attraktiv und sinnvoll für alle. Das geht! Taktile Grafik, diverse Orientierung und allgemein verständliche Sprache sowie Objekte zum Anfassen.  Ich zeige Ihnen gerne, wie.

„Ästhetik und Barrierefreiheit sind vereinbar“ weiterlesen

Senatsverwaltung wertet konventionelle Ausstellung mit Mehrwert für alle auf

Ein Buch mit einfachen Texten, Punktschrift und großartigen Grafiken, taktil umgesetzt

Unter dem Titel „natürlich Berlin!“ wurde eine Ausstellung eröffnet, die konventionell gedacht, aber inklusiv umgesetzt wurde.

Die Ausstellung zu erweitern um sie auch Kindern ab Klasse 5, Menschen mit schlechtem Sehvermögen, blinden Menschen, Menschen in Eile und Touristen zugänglich zu machen, wurde spät beschlossen – aber nicht zu spät. „Senatsverwaltung wertet konventionelle Ausstellung mit Mehrwert für alle auf“ weiterlesen