Das Kölnische Stadtmuseum als neuer Maßstab in Deutschland

Taktil gedruckter gelber Stern. Zugängliches Exponat mit Braillebeschriftung im Kölnischen Stadtmuseum

Am 23. März 2024 wurde das Kölnische Stadtmuseum im Zentrum Kölns in seinen neuen Ausstellungsräumen (Haus Sauer) eröffnet. Es ist, meines Erachtens nach, das Museum mit der inklusivsten Ausstellung Deutschlands und setzt damit neue Maßstäbe. Durch ein fragloses Selbstverständnis von inklusiver Ausstellungskonzeption liegt die Latte um mehrere Stufen höher.

„Zwar kann man inzwischen als State of the Art bezeichnen, dass Museen pro Themengebiet oder Raum eine sogenannte inklusive Station anbieten. Genau genommen ist diese Herangehensweise aber alles andere als inklusiv, da sie auf exklusiven Wegen zu exklusiven Stationen exklusive Inhalte zur Verfügung stellt. Diese verfolgen meist nicht einmal das gleiche Vermittlungsziel wie der Rest der Ausstellung, geschweige denn, dass sie dies erreichen.“
Steffen Zimmermann

Vorbereitung und Beratung

Hier, im Kölnischen Stadtmuseum sind wir einen grundsätzlicheren Weg gegangen. Dieser ist entscheidend für die hohe ästhetisch inklusive Qualität. Meine Beratungsleistung zu allen Inklusionsfragen wurde sehr früh in Anspruch genommen. Bereits in der Konzeption und in enger Zusammenarbeit mit den Kuratoren und Szenografen haben wir die gesamte Liste der Exponate aus dem inklusiven Blickwinkel (Also »Wie machen wir es besser für alle Besuchenden?«) betrachtet und besprochen, Möglichkeiten spontan eruiert, wie und ob das jeweilige Objekt inklusiv dargestellt werden könnte – und dann nach diesen Maßstäben vorläufig ausgewählt.

So sind viele Exponat raus der Vitrine gekommen, andere ersetzt, hinzugekauft, als Repliken erstellt oder gedruckt worden, um sie frei und offen zugänglich zu machen. Wir haben entschieden, welche Grafiken didaktisch zielführend umsetzbar für alle sind, welche Texte und Objekte und welche Fotos und Gemälde. Es war weniger ein „Was heben wir hervor?“ sondern vielmehr „Worauf müssen wir leider verzichten?“.

Inklusive Ausführungsleistung

Nachdem die finale Entscheidung getroffen war, war es auch meine Aufgabe gemeinsam mit den Gestaltern von neo.studio, die blindendidaktische Gestaltung der Objekte zu entwickeln und von allen ausgewählten Objekten und Grafiken eine taktile Ebene und Beschriftung (auch in Pyramidenschrift und Braille) zu erstellen und schließlich mit meinem Druckereipartner zu produzieren.

Außerdem habe ich ein stringentes und intuitiv nutzbares taktiles Bodenleitsystem entwickelt, das sich auch ästhetisch hervorragend einfügt. Die Audios und Videos sind selbstverständlich mit dem Leitsystem und Zusatzinformationen abgestimmt. Der Kassentresen ist mit einer induktiven Höranlage ausgestattet. Der MultiMediaGuide bietet natürlich auch Videos in Deutscher Gebärdensprache. Die Beschilderung ist diskriminierungsfrei. Die schwellenlose Zugänglichkeit der gesamten Ausstellung ist gewährleistet. 

Angebote für blinde Besucher:innen

Für blinde Menschen gibt es im neuen Museum besonders viele Möglichkeiten, die Stadtgeschichte zu erleben. Die Bodenleitlinien leiten schon vom Bürgersteig zur Eingangstür, zur Kasse und zur Garderobe. Dann durch alle Ausstellungsbereiche und natürlich zu den sanitären Einrichtungen. Auf allen Stockwerken finden sich zur Orientierung taktile Übersichtspläne. Die wichtigsten Texte in jedem Ausstellungsbereich sind zusätzlich in Brailleschrift ausgeführt, auch Grafiken sind teilweise taktil erfahrbar. Bei vielen Exponaten gilt explizit: „Anfassen erlaubt!“. Über den MultiMediaGuide ist zudem eine speziell auf Menschen mit Sehbehinderungen abgestimmte Führung abrufbar. Menschen mit Blindheit und Sehbehinderung, die einen Assistenzhund haben, dürfen diesen mit ins Museum bringen.

„Die Zusammenarbeit mit den Szenografen und Ausstellungsdesignern neo.studio Berlin und den Kuratoren Stefan Lewejohann und Sascha Pries war von Anfang an auf Augenhöhe und dem gemeinsamen Wunsch nach einem barrierefreien Ort für alle geprägt. So entstand in zwei Jahren ein für mich wunderbar umfangreiches Projekt. Von mir wurden neben der Inklusionsberatung und dem Bodenleitsystem rund 166 (!) Objekte hergestellt – alle taktil – vom Hinweistäfelchen über Pläne, Grafiken und Tafeln bis zum Exponat. Das ist ungewöhnlich viel auf 700 Quadratmetern mit insgesamt 650 Objekten.“
Steffen Zimmermann

Das Kölnische Stadtmuseum schreibt:

Ein Stadtmuseum für alle

Bei der Neukonzeption der Dauerausstellung waren Inklusion und Barrierefreiheit zentrale Ziele. Sowohl bei der räumlichen Gestaltung als auch bei der inhaltlichen Vermittlung orientierte sich das Museumsteam dabei an zeitgemäßen Standards, um allen Menschen einen unvergesslichen Museumsbesuch zu ermöglichen. Die Ausstellungsbereiche sind durchweg barrierefrei erreichbar. Blinde und sehbeeinträchtigte Personen werden über eine Blindenspur zu wichtigen Objekten und Inhalten geführt. Bei einigen ausgewählten Exponaten gilt für sehbeeinträchtigte Menschen explizit: „Anfassen erlaubt!“ Darüber hinaus wurden für Besucher*innen mit Seheinschränkungen zahlreiche „Hands-on“-Stationen konzipiert. Alle Haupttexte in der Ausstellung sind zusätzlich in Braille-Schrift angelegt. Darüber hinaus gibt es taktile Grafiken; auch das beliebte Stadtmodell macht mit einem haptischen Vermittlungselement die Topografie des mittelalterlichen Köln erlebbar. Der MultiMedia-Guide bietet zahlreiche weitere barrierefreie Funktionen.

Quelle: Pressemitteilung Kölnisches Stadtmuseum vom 22. März 2024

Die neue Adresse:

Kölnisches Stadtmuseum
Minoritenstrasse 13
50667 Köln

Postanschrift und Verwaltungseingang:
Kolumbahof 3


Dienstag: 10 bis 20 Uhr

Mittwoch bis Sonntag: 10 bis 17 Uhr

1. Donnerstag im Monat: 10 bis 22 Uhr (außer an Feiertagen)

An Feiertagen (wie Karfreitag o. Ostermontag):  10 bis 17 Uhr

Netflix-Projekt „Alles Licht das wir nicht sehen“

Titelseite zur Miniserie "Alles Licht das wir nicht sehen" der Netflix-Broschüre in Braille und Schwarzschrift

Ich bin über dieses Projekt besonders glücklich. Ich zeichne für die Brailleumsetzung und -Produktion verantwortlich. Das Besondere: Hier hat ein großer Konzern, Netflix, und eine großartige Agentur „einfach mal gemacht“ statt nur Charity und Sonntagsreden oder Pflichterfüllung mit Minimalaufwand. UND: Es ist begeisternd geworden! Schaut euch diese Ästhetik an! Projektmanagerin Saskia Alexandra Anton und Art Director Maarten Dijk bei Agentur XY haben ohne Abstriche an das Design oder an die Barrierefreiheit gearbeitet. Die Produkte strafen die Zweifler lügen! Danke! Ich war gern dabei! Tolle Leute.
#allthelightwecannotsee #alleslichtdaswirnichtsehen #netflix #braille #barrierefrei #inklusion #punktschrift #blind

Die Fotos sind alle von der ausführenden Agentur XY in Berlin mit ©2023

Innentitel der Netflix-Broschüre zur Miniserie

Blick in die Netflix-Broschüre in Braille und Schwarzschrift zur Miniserie

Publicly open buildings - accessibility requirements - elevators

Today I would like to remind you of the urgent need for accessible emergency call systems in elevators, in particular the obligation to offer visual emergency calls so as not to endanger people with hearing and speech impairments. Current emergency call solutions in most elevators are usually limited to solely acoustic communication, which prevents people with hearing or speech impairments from accessing the control center in an emergency.

This inadequacy not only violates the German General Equal Treatment Act, but also various building regulations and standards. The Basic Law and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities are clear with regard to the non-discrimination of people with disabilities. The disability equality laws enshrined in the German federal states reflect these requirements.

They emphasize that accessibility is crucial in all publicly accessible buildings, regardless of the nature of the service. The Model Building Code and DIN 18040-1 indicates that accessible elevators require two-way communication.

Germany follows the EU standards, which state that emergency call systems and voice communication must be both audible and visual. Accessible elevators must comply with the multi-sensory principle, especially for people with hearing or speech impairments who are dependent on visual communication.

Many manufacturers already offer visual emergency call systems that enable communication via touch displays or smartphones. These solutions support multiple languages and ensure that individuals with hearing or speech impairments can also communicate effectively with the outside world in an emergency.

It is obvious that the exclusive use of audible emergency calls is a clear violation of legal requirements and restricts the equal use of the elevator for everybody. The responsibility for the correct implementation and functionality of the emergency call system lies with the manufacturer of the accessible elevator, and non-compliance may result in legal consequences and liability in the event of incidents.

How to avoid additional costs for inclusion

I have been regularly involved with cost issues for over 13 years and have implemented many projects. Most of the consulting and design projects have been for museums, but also in the wider education sector or in architecture and product development. In recent years, the implementation of inclusive goals has gained momentum. As a rule, it succeeds best where diversity is demanded as a matter of course by one decision-maker person in the company or institution with commitment. The reaction of the uninvolved is quite openly or in thought almost always “ well, for these few people we should spend so much money? Who pays the costs for inclusion?“.

I have an answer for that. It’s below, but you have to read the few lines in between to interpret it. I thought about it for a long time and finally found the clue to the problem within the question itself. After all, inclusion is not actually in question because of the cost, but, and this is my analysis, because it is not taken for granted. By „taken for granted,“ I mean something like laying power lines when you build a house. You use it to make sure the building is accessible, in some sense barrier-free, through lighting – especially if you’re going to use it at night. And you use it to operate your assistive devices, such as washing machines and heating, for people whose own energy is not sufficient for all tasks. So without electricity, the people who use the building would be very handicapped.

For the following reasons, among others, Germany is probably also in last place in the EU comparison when it comes to the implementation of the specifications by the EU and the UN. We usually don’t live with our parents or grandparents in the same house and experience every day how exhausting it is to get old once our legs and eyes don’t work anymore. We did not go to the same class with the (10%!) children who were and are sent to „special“ schools simply because of physical characteristics. That’s why we don’t know them and aren’t friends with them. That is why we have not learned to consider that they also are part of us and that it must be indisputable that all people can live as self-determined and cohabited as possible. We have not learned this. We have to make up for it, and we have a lot of catching up to do.

Now to the answer promised above, where does the money come from?
You will find it in the total budget (and not even hidden). Here’s how: When you cost a project, you require all service providers and internal project participants to „think of the power lines for your house up front.“ You will rightly expect this of all professionals in every trade involved in building a house. It’s unthinkable to do otherwise.
Expect it just as naturally that your partners think inclusively and with everyone in mind; that they already set the course in the conception and – if necessary with the involvement of consultants and experts – revise the non-inclusive ideas, because insufficient, once again to find better solutions.
If your calculation exceeds the budget as a result, the budget is set too low or elaborate creative solutions together to make changes to material, scope, size, execution, duration, etc., in order to achieve your goal.
That’s the way it’s always been. In the past, however, it was usually because you didn’t take various things into account (see above). You will all agree that human rights are non-negotiable, but maybe other things are.

And it works! With fantastic and unique results that inspire project participants and users. I know, because I have accompanied some teams in their work to the goal with team meetings, workshops and conception as well as consulting.

More visitors to the museum

It is absolutely true that art, culture and education are topics that do not excite or interest all people equally. Some are hard to reach – despite educational missions, outreach and outbounding. But if we look at those we can interest and perhaps even inspire, why do so many never or rarely come to our buildings? We are talking about over a third (!) of society here – what prevents these people from going to the museum?

In fact, questioning the following points will help here:

Easy and understandable way to the museum for everyone.
Very, very clear optical and tactile wayfinding
Detailed advance information about contents and accessibility
Easy, pleasant, non-academic language
Accessible exhibits or optional tactile models/replicas and explanations in large print and Braille,
No steps, stairs, or other barriers for the elderly and people on wheels
Make all information available through at least two channels, namely never exclusively audio guide or exclusively text information
These aspects, and a little more, are important to consider as a museum or exhibition hall. In my work with such institutions, we have come up with wonderful solutions that don’t break budgets but do break down barriers for a third of society.

The TellDing acoustic information and guidance system in Leipzig's Grassi Museum

TellDing im Grassimuseum

At several locations and stations within the museum building and the exhibition, visitors are now informed acoustically about what they are facing or where and how they can get further. The TellDing system responds with different content depending on the visitor’s language or information needs. Without a cell phone or app, without an audio guide to take along. You simply wear a lanyard with an electronic entrance ticket (TellDing avatar) around your neck. The TellDing then provides the appropriate information at the elevator or exhibit or guides blind visitors to it.

Das Erklärvideo zeigt den TellDing Avatar

The explanatory video in the museum shows the TellDing avatar. Children receive different or differently prepared content than adult, foreign-language, blind or disabled visitors. Also, the distance from which the audio message is output may differ depending on the user:in. The elevator should announce itself to a blind visitor from a distance, while the exhibit will not output the description until it is in close proximity. More information can be found on the website TellDing.com

Die Installation beinhaltet das Gerät und einen kleinen Lautsprecher

The installation includes the device and a small speaker

Speaker at the Baukulturkongress 2022 - Building Education

Today’s children are tomorrow’s planners, decision-makers and clients. I explain on the podium how to make inclusive thinking a topic in school, for example, via the topic of inclusive planning and building culture. In the audience are architects, teachers, educators. By raising awareness of open and broader thinking at an early age, they can transfer knowledge they have gained themselves to other areas of life and apply it later in their careers.

November 17/18, 2022
Hans Sachs House Gelsenkirchen

Finally a standardized and tactilely and visually understandable symbol for escape routes and emergency exits for tactile plans.

No question, the challenge is immense and so is the responsibility. An internationally understandable symbol was sought that speaks for itself tactilely and also visually. Orientation plans are a shared aid for both sighted and blind people. Particularly in an emergency, information must be grasped quickly. Until now, a sign has been missing from industrial standards and current draft standards. Thus, we have developed a new sign in recent weeks and submitted it to the commission.


Symbol für Fluchtweg Notausgang taktile Pläne
The possible new international optical and tactile symbol for tactile orientation plans in buildings.

It plays a significant role for the speed if symbols are already learned and do not have to be reinterpreted. The symbol for the emergency exit and escape route must indicate a clear direction and it must be possible to distinguish it from the ordinary exit. Even illiterate people and people speaking foreign languages should have no difficulty with this.

Thus, we have used the X for “ exit“, „out“, „away“ as the lowest common denominator, and the large directional arrow on green, which is also known from the visual world. In the application in the plan, the symbol is placed rotated in the direction of escape. The white elements are tactile and the green area is to be printed visually only. The minimum height is 12 mm (green frame)!

One of the most inclusive museums in Germany is being planned

Since the beginning of 2022, I have been consulting on the reconstruction and the conception and implementation of the new permanent exhibition with neo.studio neumann schneider Ausstellungsarchitekten for the Cologne City Museum. In many parts, concerning the several hundred tactile and inclusive components, I am also involved in realization.

The exhibition content is made accessible through all media and senses. A multimedia guide with several specialized tracks leads through the museum. Exhibition content – from A-text to C-text is simply worded and available in Braille and audio and large print with excellent contrast on walls and tables. In addition, there is subtitling of videos, audio description of videos and objects, videos in DGS (German Sign Language) and the most important info also in pyramid writing. Of course, a floor guidance system leads through the exhibition. This is both a visual guide for the sighted and tactile for the blind visitors. On each floor there is a floor map that is visually and tactilely appealing. Very many of the exhibits are free to access and, of course, may be viewed with the hands. All floors are accessible by elevator.

The contract with the City of Cologne includes consulting on the selection of exhibits and the implementation of content according to inclusive aspects and curatorial objectives. Examination of the educational goals for feasibility. Concepts and drafts for alternative forms of presentation. Broadening and balancing the individual experience as part of an overall experience with all visitors. Consulting with the designers and architects involved and designing inclusive forms of presentation. This includes texts, graphics and alternative presentation of artwork. Implementing Braille and Profiled Lettering on exhibits and panels.

Rad also (German):

„Die Erarbeitung der neuen Dauerausstellung war ein spannender, intensiver Prozess” von Kurator Sascha Pries

„Wir wollen Geschichte erlebbar machen” – Ein Interview mit Silvia Rückert

Guest column by a blind art connoisseur

Anette Bach

Can art be comprehended?

A Rodin exhibition at the Folkwang Museum in Essen! For me an event! The years of my life when I was able to see were characterized by joy and interest in art. I loved drawing, but also paintings and sculpture. Even though I can no longer see, my interest in, I would even say my need for art has not changed. So I go to Essen. I remember Rodin’s works well. The famous „Thinker,“ „The Burghers of Calais,“ and first „The KUSS.“ What would the exhibition bring? Pure frustration! I was not allowed to touch anything.

I did not like to believe it at all. What could I destroy in stone sculptures if I only touched them with my hands? I was not allowed to touch anything even through a silk cloth that was laid on. I begged, scolded, argued. The acidic air of the Ruhr, the flies, spiders and dust would surely pose a greater threat to the integrity of the artwork. Nothing to do!

I think that’s not the way to do it! I too know, of course, that it would not be reasonable to open all museum and exhibition contents to every groping hand. But there is much more possible than is conceded. Certainly, I have often succeeded in organizing guided tours in which the showcases were opened after all or the boundary grids were pushed aside. But that was always a matter of luck and depended on the good will and high-handedness of the respective guide. I would like to see a change in thinking. All exhibitors should be obliged to make their exhibition accessible to visually impaired people. There are concepts for this and more can be developed. Exhibitors should have to have convincing arguments for what is not possible. There will always be such things, but it must not happen that we are forced into the role of supplicants, persuaders or rioters who demand something that is supposedly impossible.

If a fairy godmother ever came my way, I would wish that perhaps every state would create a facility that is chock full of models. There are so many magnificent, exciting and incredible things that people have created: The Inca’s buildings, the Taj Mahal, the Sydney Opera House or the Elbphilharmonie. Even if I could go everywhere and be allowed to walk around and touch everything, most of it would still not be accessible. I wouldn’t even recognize the David that Michelangelo created if I were allowed to climb around on the five-meter-high marble structure.

In the age of scanners and 3D printers, making models is probably just a matter of will.

My doorbell rings. Do fairies come through the front door?

About the author
Anette Bach heads the Hesse district group of the DVBS.

The 66-year-old organizes regular events on current topics and excursions with the leadership team, whose dates are published at dvbs-online.de and which are also open to interested guests.

The article was first published in Horus 2/2018 / Accessible Culture – Marburg Contributions to the Integration of the Blind and Visually Impaired. It was published here with the kind permission of the author.

The TellDing® comes to the GRASSI Museum für Völkerkunde zu Leipzig

An exhibition should be a multimedia experience and accessible to all. No complex installations will be made and no app or devices are necessary.

The TellDing® system, developed by me, reverses the technical bring and is exactly for this reason extremely interesting and without alternative for certain applications!

The task:

An object should 1. be able to be found only by hearing (in the dark or for blind visitors:inside).

2. the object should identify itself and provide audio or video.

The users do not need 3. a device or an app.

Use cases:

The exhibits in the exhibition are recorded.
A door, an elevator, the stairs, the toilet – i.e. the destination guidance.
The room text or ambient sound should be played.

The visitor does not need the guide or the smartphone in his hand. The intelligence is in the device at the exhibit or at the POI (such as doors, elevator, room text). It recognizes what it should offer him/her on the basis of an element carried by the visitor on the lanyard.

Auf der Exponatec Cologne 2021 können Sie mich vom 17.—19. November treffen


Auf der Exponatec Cologne 2021 können Sie mich vom 17.—19. November 2021 auf dem Messestand A068-B069, Halle 2.2. persönlich kennenlernen. Sprechen Sie mit mir über alles, was barrierefreie und inklusive Konzeption angeht, über Produkte und Exponate, Unikate und Serien. Alle Fragen des Design für Alle und der Kommunikation für Alle sind willkommen. Sie finden mich am Stand werk5 | new craft, interactive scape und evelution.

Wenn Sie vorab mit mir einen Termin ausmachen, bin ich auch sicher voll und ganz für Sie da. Bei Bedarf kann ich Ihnen auch ein Ticket zukommen lassen.



Lichtenberg Museum: Comprehensive inclusion consultation for new permanent exhibition

Medienraum Lichtenberg Museum

What was Lichtenberg yesterday? What is it today? And how are the two connected? With its permanent exhibition, the Museum Lichtenberg invites you on a journey of discovery.

Thanks to Julia Novak, Dr. Tim Weber, Dr. Dirk Moldt and Dr. Thomas Thiele, a museum for everyone has developed. Julia Novak: „It wants to appeal to everyone. That’s why we avoid barriers, structurally, in terms of content and language. We designed the museum to be inclusive, interactive and participatory.“

My contribution as a consultant was to introduce those involved in the project to the many possibilities of inclusive conception and design even before the planning stage. The selection of exhibits, the display, tactile fonts, Braille texts and tactile graphics, the orientation plan and the floor guidance system also with the general visitor guidance were affected. With ideas, praise but also with criticism the agency buerojolas created a fantastic exhibition worth visiting.

Lichtenberg Museum

From the first conversation on it was thought inclusively. The curator Julia Novak and the project manager Dr. Tim Weber and Dr. Thomas Thiele approached me with joy and enthusiasm for a „Museum for All“. Already in the first round we created free space for new ideas with all participants. All those in charge and those carrying out the work were carried along and sorted out all their thoughts on content, design, orientation and conveyance based on the holistic view of inclusion and Design for All. With great results and on a large scale. While not everything is perfect here in Berlin’s „Museum Lichtenberg“, we have created a great museum where everyone, yes everyone, takes their part.

Lichtenberg Museum

Lichtenberg Museum

Lichtenberg Museum



Berlin Global Exhibition at the Humboldt Forum Berlin


The Berlin Global exhibition at the Humboldt Forum in the Berlin Schloss has successfully opened and contains wonderful objects for an entertaining visit.

It is with some pride that I point out having contributed three special exhibits to the exhibition. Of course, my works are designed in an inclusive spirit and include Braille. My team partner werk5 | new craft is responsible for the production of the exhibits.

Outdoor exhibition in the "Naturpark Südgelände" with a haptic experience

© Grün Berlin: Frank Sperling

If you want to inspire all users, let them grasp! What is essential for blind people is also a popular added value for sighted visitors of all ages. If tactile elements are part of the exhibition, all visitors feel attracted and their hands wander exploratively over the instructive content.

Only exhibitions with tactile and three-dimensional exhibits meet the requirements of „Design for All“, „Good Design“ (Dieter Rams) and the legal requirements of accessibility.

In Berlin’s „Naturpark Südgelände“ I was able to support the senate-owned Grün Berlin GmbH with my consulting assignment and thus launch, constructively accompany and successfully conclude a fantastic exhibition project for the users and for the client. Already during the tendering and conception phase, the course was set for a fully integrated implementation. Here, the question of how to now add accessibility was not asked after the fact, but rather a coherent and thus aesthetically flawless design concept could be developed.

The exhibition includes over a dozen panels on local flora, fauna and technology. Worth a visit for all! Have fun!

All photos: © Green Berlin/Frank Sperling

© Grün Berlin: Frank Sperling
Exhibit panels of the didactic open-air exhibition with tactile elements of the nature park.
© Grün Berlin: Frank Sperling
A small child enthusiastically discovers the tactile model of the long-eared owl, a symbol of nature conservation (artist Stephan Hüsch)
© Grün Berlin: Frank Sperling
Tables with tactile overview map and technical sights of the nature park
© Grün Berlin: Frank Sperling
The hands of a blind woman explore a tactile graphic on the sound production of grasshoppers



Ideen, um Museen zugänglicher zu machen

Museen haben das Interesse und die Pflicht, sich um Menschen mit unterschiedlichen Vermittlungswegen zu kümmern.  Weltweit leben etwa 1,3 Milliarden Menschen mit irgendeiner Form von Blindheit oder Sehbehinderung. Allein in Europa sind etwa 25,5 Millionen Menschen sehbehindert!

Oft ist ein Museumsbesuch mit dem Gefühl der Ausgrenzung verbunden, wenn Inhalt nicht gleichwertig oder vollständig oder in einer Weise adäquat vermittelt werden. Das geschieht insbesondere, wenn man mit der Familie oder Freunden ein gemeinsames Museumserlebnis haben möchte. Das traditionelle Museumserlebnis mit Objekten hinter Glas bietet einem blinden oder sehbehinderten Menschen nichts. Aber die meisten Museen entwickeln sich gerade hier weiter, um dem gerecht zu werden und den Besuch für alle zu einem Erlebnis zu machen.

Wie können Museen sehbehinderten Besuchern gerecht werden?

Es gibt viele Möglichkeiten, wie man einen Besuch für eine sehbehinderte Person interessant machen kann. Das fängt bei Audioguides und Audiobeschreibungen an. Es sollten aber auch Ansätze wie taktile Grafiken und 3D-Objekte sein, immersive Klang/Raumerlebnisse und interaktive Mitmachelemente. In Museen auf der ganzen Welt geht es heute um mehr als nur um das Sehen. Multisensorische Ausstellungen sprechen die Sinne Sehen, Hören, Fühlen und Riechen an. Dieser Ansatz erweckt Exponate für alle Besucher zum Leben.

Der Einsatz von Technologie macht Museen inklusiver.

Dank neuer Technologien sind auch sehbehinderte Menschen in Museen zunehmend willkommen. Viele Museen auf der ganzen Welt arbeiten mit 3D-Druck.

Es liegt auf der Hand, dass diese Technologie den Museumsbesuch für alle Beteiligten verbessern kann. Wer möchte nicht einmal ein Exponat hinter Glas berühren, auch wenn es nur eine Reproduktion ist.

Museen haben blinden und sehbehinderten Menschen viel zu bieten.

Wichtig ist das Verständnis, dass das Sehen nicht der einzige Sinn ist, mit dem Menschen kulturelle Angebote erleben und genießen können. Hinter den Türen jedes Museums verbirgt sich eine Fülle faszinierender Materialien, die nur darauf warten, auf neue Weise entdeckt zu werden.

Audio- und Textbeschreibungen (auch Braille und DGS) sind gute Vermittlungsinstrumente. Sie können Menschen helfen, mehr über die Inhalte zu erfahren. Aber auch andere Sinne wie Tastsinn und Geruchssinn können das Erlebnis bereichern. Ein persönlicher Ansatz funktioniert ebenfalls gut, mit beschreibenden Führungen, die anschauliche Bilder im Kopf erzeugen können. Es ist auch wichtig, die Besucher vor dem Besuch zu informieren, damit sie wissen, welche Möglichkeiten es gibt.

Museen müssen mit sehbehinderten Menschen kommunizieren. Sie müssen ihnen zuhören und mit ihnen zusammenarbeiten, um ihre Bedürfnisse zu verstehen. Ich zeige immer wieder gerne, wie kleine Veränderungen und zusätzliche Angebote einen großen Unterschied machen können. Mit diesen Veränderungen können Museen dafür sorgen, dass sich blinde und sehbehinderte Menschen wirklich willkommen fühlen.

An audio information and guidance system entirely without an app. Accessibility fast and inexpensive.

TellDing ist ein Plug & Play Audioguide

A system informs your visitors without any effort.

TellDing is installed in the museum at the exhibit, doors and stairs, room information, etc. The visitor approaches the corresponding information point or exhibit with his visitor’s card (entrance ticket) and receives audio information in his native language. Blind visitors get detailed audio description. As a talking point, the TellDing even helps blind visitors find the object or door or elevator by simply allowing the visitor to follow the audio source. Ingeniously simple! And no great cost to set up.

Find out about possibilities and costs at www.tellding.com
